LDR attenuator & preamp controller
Interactive OLED display
Solid state buffer
For passive & active preamps
We sell to DIYers & OEMs

ePot.V3 Max DIY preamp attenuator & controller
ePot.V3 Max preamp controller & LDR stepped attenuator

Integrated preamp controller
Remote controlled
100 step LDR attenuation
Plug-in LDR module with built-in calibration
Menu driven OLED display
Input switcher | 6 stereo channels
Single-ended or balanced audio

OLED display assembly front view with cabling and encoder
OLED display assembly

256×64 pixel 3.12 inch OLED display
Easy to read high contrast white-on-black
Interactive menu driven control interface
Integrated with Max and Mini controllers
Encoder module & infrared receiver included

ePot.V3 Mini side view with LDR module
ePot.V3 Mini preamp controller & LDR stepped attenuator

Replaces volume pot or mechanical attenuator
Remote controlled
100 step LDR attenuation
Plug-in LDR module | no built-in calibration
Menu driven OLED display
Single input only
Single-ended audio only

DIY preamp technology that’s actually fun to listen to

Second only to speakers, preamplifiers & buffers have arguably the greatest impact on the overall sound quality of your high performance audio system. The #1 job of every preamp is volume control. Truth is, volume control is not benign. You are literally reducing the energy content of the audio signal and dumping that energy to ground. Like any valve letting down pressure, how you do this can have a significant impact on the sound quality of the resulting audio signal. At Tortuga Audio we have been working on alternative technology to control volume for 10+ years and are proud to offer unique preamp controllers/attenuators and related products that are truly a joy to listen to. Whether you’re a DIY’er or an OEM, I invite you to give our products a try and discover the difference that our customers have been enjoying for many years.

Morten Sissener | Founder – Engineer


Recent articles

ePot.V4 LDR Preamp Controller & Stepped Attenuator With Optional Plug-in Solid State Buffer & Linear Power Supply

Tortuga Audio began work on LDR (light dependent resistor) based volume control in 2009 and went commercial with its first LDR based preamplifier in 2012. Over the past decade we’ve evolved our core preamp controller/attenuator design through four iterations. We are now developing our fifth iteration which we refer to the V4. Prior iterations included…

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